

How to Start Your House Design Journey

Your dream house is something unique to you. While everyone has something in their mind of what they’d love to call home, you will have your own set of criteria that will truly make your home what you want it to be. But how do you start your house design journey to get to the house you truly desire? Remember that reliable architect with the right skills to design your dream floor plan can make all the difference.

House key

5 Steps to Start Your House Design Journey

1. Prepare a Plan

As with every investment, you need to prepare a plan in advance. Fail to prepare and you prepare to fail, and in your house design journey you need nothing but success! But what kinds of things do you need to plan? First, you need to consider what you’d actually want your dream home to look like. This comes down to the finer details like colour schemes and materials, but it’s also about the overall aesthetic and feel of the home. Do you want a classic feel? Or do you want a really modern look?

2. Consider Your Priorities

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Aside from planning how you want the house to look and feel, you also need to consider your priorities. Are you looking to build something that is eco-friendly and green? Do you want to create a sustainable home? How about location, what do you need the house to be close to?

Also consider your priorities for the building phase. Is your deadline more important than your budget? What do you look for in your team of architects and designers? You need to answer all of these questions before the work begins in order to ensure your house design journey is a smooth and successful one.

3. Find a Plot

We touched on location in the previous point, but it’s vital to mention again. You need to find a place to build your dream home after all. This can be a tough part of the design journey, so you need to devote a lot of time to ensure you don’t settle for a plot that isn’t quite right for your dream home. Before you start your journey, do not forget to apply for Building Control, or find a reliable expert to help you with that.

4. Work Out Your Budget


Obviously, a big consideration when designing your dream home is how much you can afford to spend on it. A house is no small investment, and so you need to be sure you can pay for it well ahead of time. Whether you’re paying for the house with savings, or if you’re considering different financing options, this is arguably the most important part of your house design journey. Your budget will dictate how your house will look, where it can be located, and the quality of the team you hire to build it for you.

5. Pick Your Team

You also need to consider what you’re looking for in the team that you hire to build your home. Do you value a friendly team of architects and designers over punctuality? Do you prefer to hire local architects, or are you okay with looking further afield on a national scale? Remember that reliable experts make all the difference in your house planning and design.

Find Reliable Experts in a Quick and Easy Way

All of these factors are important, as finding the right team for the job can often make the difference between a failure and a success. If you’re struggling to find the right people to start your house design journey with, Expert Plans is here to help. Our platform connects you with up to seven structural engineer companies or local architects in less than a minute. Once you get their details, tell them about your project and start working within minutes!

Expert Plans helps you get started with your house design journey in no time, shortlisting he best, most reliable experts near you to design your dream house. Check out our platform and find the right expert for your project!

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